E-commerce built with Laravel. User can browse and filter products, add products to cart and checkout.
I am a full stack developer. My passion is writing simple and beautiful code.
> contactInfo
["patriknilsson1992@gmail.com", Github ]
> resume
> frontendSkills
["JavaScript", "Vue", "Vuex", "React", "Redux", "Sass"]
> backendSkills
["Node", "MySQL", "MongoDB", "Php", "Laravel", "Docker"]
> hoursOfCoding
Error Infinity
> Ā
Productivity app, trello clone created with Typescript, Vue & Vuex on the frontend. The backend is using Typescript, Express and Objection.js. Create cards and lists. Reorder items with drag and drop. Cutomize colors and use markdown to enter decriptions
Blog about JavaScript where I like to create content about back-end and front-end development. The blog itself is built with Gridsome