
I am a full stack developer. My passion is writing simple and beautiful code.

šŸ  Patrik_Nilsson

> contactInfo

["patriknilsson1992@gmail.com", Github ]

> resume


> frontendSkills

["JavaScript", "Vue", "Vuex", "React", "Redux", "Sass"]

> backendSkills

["Node", "MySQL", "MongoDB", "Php", "Laravel", "Docker"]

> hoursOfCoding

Error Infinity

> Ā 


Laravel shop

E-commerce built with Laravel. User can browse and filter products, add products to cart and checkout.

  • Filter products by category
  • Add to cart
  • Search prodcuts

Kanban board

Productivity app, trello clone created with Typescript, Vue & Vuex on the frontend. The backend is using Typescript, Express and Objection.js. Create cards and lists. Reorder items with drag and drop. Cutomize colors and use markdown to enter decriptions

  • Draggable cards and lists
  • JWT authentication
  • Customaizble colors
  • Markdown support

Blog - Write JavaScript

Blog about JavaScript where I like to create content about back-end and front-end development. The blog itself is built with Gridsome

  • Engaging content
  • Code examples
  • Exploring modern technologies
